Physical Effectors
This RFI is an information-gathering exercise to support future direction and decision-making in this area and to establish potential suitable alternatives to current providers. The strategic principles for the development and approval of Counter Drone capabilities, including physical effector capabilities, will be agreed on an all-UK basis under a coordination and governance structure led by the Home Office. NPCC, the Home Office and other relevant governmental partners have a duty to monitor the continuing research into, and the development of, acceptable and effective Counter Drone systems in response to an evolving operational requirement and identified capability gaps. As part of the continual development of the NPCC counter-drones strategy, this Request For Information aims to scope and identify a range of current, innovative or novel physical effector solutions. This information will enable development of effector requirements and capability planning to support future procurements. This information may also be used to identify or develop future demonstration event, development challenges, or testing. This is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the national Counter Drones capability, in order to maintain public confidence and ensure the safety of both the public and police. This RFI is an information gathering exercise to support future direction and decision making in this area to establish potential physical effector solutions and whether suitable options can be identified. At a later date, the Authorities may engage with suppliers to discuss their solutions.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors