Physical Records Management Digital Solution
Background 1. Historic England (the Authority) uses a legacy software application (TRIM version 7) for the management of non-electronic physical records. Physical records managed in TRIM range from documents of historical significance to business and personnel paper records. 2. TRIM has been through several iterations of product identity and original ownership since first implemented, prior to the establishment of Historic England, for English Heritage. The version currently in service has been end of sale and out of vendor support for nearly a decade. Historic England wishes to replace the functionality offered by TRIM through implementing a modern and fully supported digital solution that addresses operational risks and issues associated with continuing to run an obsolete and unsupported system. 3. This requirement relates solely to the management of physical records. While it is known that some candidate digital solutions also offer such functionality, management of electronic records is not in scope and does not require discussion. Objectives and Desired Outcomes 4. Objectives of the work are: a. The contract with the successful supplier to implement and provide the digital solution commences April 2024. b. The solution is live by July 2024 and continues until April 2028. c. Support and operation of the solution is transitioned to business-as-usual by Septem-ber 2024. 5. The outcomes that Historic England wishes to realise are: a. Physical records are managed using a solution with full original vendor support until at least April 2028. b. Historic England provides first and second-line support. The successful supplier will provide third-line support. c. Users are trained, familiar, and at ease with using the solution. d. The solution enables the use of TRIM in Historic England to be discontinued and IT as-sets associated with TRIM to be decommissioned. Scope 6. Within the successful supplier's scope in this engagement will be: a. A digital solution to manage physical records. b. Technical implementation of the solution. c. Migration of data from the legacy TRIM application to the new solution. d. Post-migration data validation. e. Provision of user guidance and any necessary training materials. f. Early-life support following release to live. g. Support for the solution for the duration of the contract period. 7. Outside of the successful supplier's scope of work will be any decommissioning of existing IT assets. Constraints 8. Constraints on the solution are: a. The solution must be capable of single sign-on using credentials from the Historic Eng-land Azure Active Directory. b. The successful Tenderer must hold valid Cyber Essentials certification for the duration of the contract. c. Data must be hosted in the UK or European Economic Area only. Assumptions 9. Assumptions made at this stage a...
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72314000 - Data collection and collation services
72313000 - Data capture services
72317000 - Data storage services
72320000 - Database services
72310000 - Data-processing services
72312000 - Data entry services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Attachments :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors