Pilot study to inform and evaluate the implementation of the right for young people to make appeals
The Education (Wales) Measure 2009 provides an initial pilot phase during which children in specified local autority areas (the pilot authorities) will be able to make appeals and claims to the Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales. The purpose of the pilot phase is to provide opportunity to evaluate the practical application of the extended rights, including the configuration and resourcing of services necessary to implement the provisions introduced under the Education (Wales) Measure 2009. The Welsh Assembly Government, on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, will be conducting this If the process is being let using the e-procurement process the following wording should be added (If not this and all references to bravo solutions should be deleted): procurement exercise through the etenderwales portal Tender documents and other information must be downloaded from and returned through this portal. If you require any further assistance the BravoSolution helpdesk is available on:Email: Phone: 0800 3684850 / Fax: 020 7060 0480Full information in accessing the portal is found in Section VI.3.
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1 Possible Competitors