PINS 17/02/1085 Support to Develop the Learning & Development Delivery Strategy & Resource Requirement
Requirement To deliver our ambitious L&D agenda, working with Directors and Heads of Service (HoS), we need to establish a detailed and clear L&D plan for the next three years. The plan needs to develop the work completed to date, and fully incorporate details for what will be required to deliver each priority element, including: Setting out time and resource required for devising, undertaking and analysing current skills gaps (core skills), building evidence for what is required, determining and reviewing recommendations. Setting out time and resource needed to identify and develop learning interventions, tools and creating materials (LMS) based on established needs. Consideration of what steps may be required for each priority, to deliver cultural change around learning Time and resources required to establish learning processes, defining/clarifying roles and responsibilities for learning across the business. Establish milestones for delivering learning outcomes and clarify the benefits sought (including establishing measures to gauge success). Identify potential risks/barriers to delivery, dependencies and benefits (including other learning/work demands placed on HR L&D) Determine the resources required, from across the business, to deliver/coordinate the above and deliver successful outcomes. To assist in the delivery of this, we are seeking a consultant to work with our HR L&D Manager to produce a report and plan covering our priorities and how we will deliver them over the next three years. The report and plan will set out the work to be done, set milestones and provide detail of the resource required to make implementation successful. It will set out the proposed benefits and measures by which we intend to meet them. Please provide your written proposal using the 'proposal template' provided in Annex B, clearly setting out how you meet the evaluation criteria included in the Section 4. The proposal template includes a section for each of the criteria being evaluated. In the template, please also declare any known or perceived conflicts of interest with any employees or contractors of the Planning Inspectorate. Where to send your Written Proposal Annex B and Pricing Proposal Annex A Your written proposal and pricing proposal must be submitted to no later than 12:00 noon Tuesday 31 May 2022. Written proposals and pricing received after this deadline will not be accepted.
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1 Possible Competitors