Planned external works and reactive external disabled facility works at properties owned and/ or managed by GUHG
Grand Union Housing Group (GUHG) is seeking to appoint an organisation to deliver planned external works and reactive external disabled facility works at properties owned and/ or managed by GUHG. Planned external work programmes are more often than not generated from the Employer's Asset Management System. This System is periodically updated with site survey information which it utilises to generate ongoing programmes of potential works. The Contractor will be required to inspect the properties, undertake surveys and establish and agree the extent of the works with the Contract Administrator. Reactive disabled facilities external works usually originate from requests being received either directly from Customers or from others acting on their behalf (e.g. local council and local authority occupational therapy teams, Life24 Advisors, hospital occupational therapists, community occupational therapists, etc.). The works may consist of any of the following:• Site preparation works. • Excavating and filling.• Repairs to existing footpaths, paved areas, steps, ramps and driveways.• Installation of new concrete footpaths.• Installation of new ramped access.• Repairs and maintenance to brickwork, blockwork, and stone walls.• Repairs and redecoration to external render, cladding and other finishes.• Repairs to existing drainage and installation of surface water drainage.• Fencing and gate repair and replacement.• All necessary preparatory work, builders work in connection.The above list is not exhaustive.The Contract Period is 84 monthsThe estimated contract spend per annum will be circa £1,000,000 to £1,800,000 per annum (excluding VAT). Notwithstanding the above, the annual spend is likely to fluctuate over the duration of the contract to cater for: fluctuations in budget constraints, revised planned programme requirements, and new legislative requirements (such as changes to Decent Homes Standard mandatory minimum quality standards and the like).
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45000000 - Construction work
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors