Play equipment and play area fencing replacement
Warminster Town CouncilTimber trail replacement, Lake Pleasure Grounds and Fencing replacement, The HeathlandsContract requirements and schedule of client specificationContract Reference: PEM 21/0421 Warminster Town Council maintains 9 play areas within the town. The largest of these is in the Lake Pleasure Grounds. The existing timber trail in the Lake Pleasure Grounds is coming to the end of its life and Warminster Town Council are looking to replace this with a similar metal trail. Warminster Town Council are also looking to replace the existing timber play area fencing at the Heathlands play area. It is intended to enter into a contract with a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to undertake the delivery of this. Warminster Town Council's Requirements The fee submissions will comprise of a financial element and written submission. Tender submissions will need to comply with the requirements set out below as well as contain the documentation and information requested. Assessment of Submission It is the intention of the Town Council to assess the fee bids through the use of a quality matrix. The Town Council does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, nor will it pay any expenses which may be occurred by any Tenderer in the preparation of this tender. All recipients of these documents, whether or not they submit a tender, shall treat them as private and confidential. Tenders which do not conform to the foregoing instructions will not be considered. All rates and prices must be, and will deem to have been, tendered exclusive of VAT. Warminster Town Council Project Team The Contractors team will work alongside the Parks and Estate Manager under the overall supervision of the Town Clerk and any other persons nominated by Warminster Town Council. Queries This tender is administered by the officer below, who is based at Warminster Town Council. Any queries regarding the tender process, the proposed contract, or the specification and for the full tender documents should be addressed to: - Mr Stuart Legg, Parks and Estate Manager Telephone: 01985 214847 E-mail: 1.Lake Pleasure Grounds Timber Trail replacement.Remove and replace the existing timber trail with a metal version. Existing trail to be removed and disposed of. Tenderers to design, supply and install an appropriate trail to fill the existing space with suitable floorcovering to be laid.All equipment to conform to current play area standards.2.The Heathlands fencing replacement.Remove and replace the existing timber fencing and replace with a metal version.Existing timber fencing and gates to be removed and disposed of.New metal fencing and gates to be supplied and installed.All equipment must conform to current play area standards.
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CPV Codes
45236290 - Repair work on recreational areas
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors