PMEPH0052 - Pre-Market Engagement Event Healthy Child 0-5 Service
Pre-Market Engagement Event Walsall Public Health as part of Walsall Borough Council are seeking a provider to offer a Healthy Child 0-5 Service to all children aged 0-5 and their parents across Walsall. Walsall is an area of high deprivation and high infant mortality. The Healthy Child 0-5 Service will be instrumental in working to reduce infant mortality across the Borough and ensure that children and their families are supported to achieve good outcomes through the provision of high quality universal and targeted services. The Healthy Child 0-5 Services will be provided through three complimentary and interlinked programmes supporting the health and wellbeing of children 0-5 and their parents. It is expected that seamless referral between each programme element and close working will be developed between each element as well as developing links with wider services that support children 0-5. If the need of the family changes, the service will demonstrate flexibility in increasing or reducing the intensity of provision offered. The 3 programmes making up the Healthy Child 0-5 Services are as follows; 1. A universal service for all families during pregnancy and until the child is 5 years that offers support proportionate to the needs of the family. This service will ensure that the 5 mandated checks plus a visit at 3 months are offered to 100% of families, uptake maximised and that the focus on improving parental and child outcomes is increased. Where there is a universal plus or universal partnership plus need, the intensity of visits and support will be increased while that need remains and until the child is 5 years of age. 2.A healthy pregnancy service working to compliment the support offered by the midwifery service. This will ensure that women are provided with support to maintain a healthy pregnancy from booking to birth. Women will be seen as a minimum at every Trimester and offered public health messages appropriate to their stage in pregnancy. The 28 week universal mandated visit may serve as the Trimester 3 support but should be offered in the home. This service will align closely with services across Walsall and accord with the Walsall Infant Mortality Strategy 2016-2020 to best meet the need of the women and families of Walsall. 3.An intensive Healthy Child Programme 0-5 service supporting vulnerable families from pregnancy to when the child is 5 years of age. This service will be provided at intensity and over a period proportionate to the needs of the family and work with other services. Walsall Council are therefore holding a Pre-Market Engagement Event and would like to invite you to an afternoon session to describe the model in more detail, outline the expected procurement timeline and clarify any queries you might have. The event will take place on Friday 29th July 2016, 2pm until 4pm at Conference Room 2 On arrival please report to the Curator at: Walsall Co...
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors