PO 10029 - Public Sector Reform Technical Assistance Facility to the Government of Rwanda - Contract Award
The UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) seeks to appoint a supplier to manage the implementation of the public sector governance component of the Strengthening Public Financial Management and Revenue Collection in Rwanda (SPARC) programme. SPARC supports improvements in audit, local government financial management and domestic revenue collection. Outside these three components the programme has resources to invest on technical assistance in support of emerging priorities across the public sector reform agenda. The Supplier will develop and manage a platform to provide long and short-term technical assistance to central and local government institutions. This Technical Assistance Facility will support delivery of the Government of Rwanda efforts to increase growth, reduce poverty and improve human capital development outcomes. It will also support institutional change. The intended outcome of the technical assistance is improved public sector capacity to deliver complex 'second generation' reforms. The intermediate outcomes the programme will focus on include: 1.Improved coordination across government, especially in relation to the implementation of cross-cutting policies. 2.Reforms in imihigo, showing that the performance contract system is evolving to meet new challenges. 3.Attributable examples of more effective mechanisms to incorporate citizen feedback into government's policies, plans and budgets. 4.Improvements in Government policy in key economic and social sectors. 5.Measurable changes in the local government's autonomy and accountability to citizens, and further decentralisation of resources and decision-making powers.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors