Political Settlements Research — Towards Open and Inclusive Settlements
This is a 24-month extension to an existing research contract entitled — political settlements research — towards open and inclusive settlements. The initial contract has an option to extend for 12 months and DFID have agreed to extend this contract for a further 12 months. The purpose of this contract is to gain evidence on how donors can shape political settlements. The rules that regulate the access of elites to resources and power to reduce poverty and the risk of conflict. The research programme aims to produce a global evidence base on most effective and cost-effective approaches to inform future policy and programming. The programme will produce rigorous, operationally relevant research that is accessible to decision makers influencing strategic investment, policy and programming at the national and international level.The programme will work to generate a clear and coherent body of primary evidence focussed on 3 broad research themes.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors