Pool car valeting for Norwich City Council
Norwich City Council (NCC) has leased 50 vehicles. This includes 37 small cars, 7 family sized cars, 2 Estate cars and 4 small electric cars. The lease agreement allows for an annual valet but this requirement needs to be supported by valeting each vehicle on a more frequent basis. The council has agreed that each vehicle should be valeted three times per year. With a current fleet of 50 vehicles and an allowance of 3 valets per year, there is a potential for the successful supplier to complete circa 150 valets per annum. The council would encourage a proactive approach to arranging the valets by the successful supplier. The council will provide the supplier with a list of current vehicles and the contact names of the managers who oversee each group of vehicles; this will allow the successful supplier to arrange the valets directly with the NCC managers. The number of vehicles in the fleet is not guaranteed. The contract is expected to run for 3 years from the commencement date (planned to be 01/05/2016), with an option to extend it for up to 2 additional years.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors