Portland Park Development
Arch is seeking to appoint a Principal Contractor to work with Arch and its partners, NCC, to deliver the construction of the Portland Park Development (“the Scheme”). The principal contractor will be tasked to take the Scheme from Stage 5 to Stage 7, in accordance with RIBA Plan of Works 2013. The Scheme consists of, but is not limited to, new build construction, earthworks, retaining structures, land remediation, dealing with contaminated material, potential treatment of shallow mine workings and mineshafts, utility diversions/management, primary utility infrastructure installation, highway improvements, car parking and landscaping. The contract will be delivered using the JCT 2011 Design and Build contract with Arch amendments. Arch has procured a Design Team via Bilfinger GVA (acting as overall Design Team lead) to take the scheme forward to RIBA Stages 1 to 4, with the intention of novating the Design Team to the successful applicant. It is intended that the Design Team will develop the scheme design to RIBA Stage 4, with the invitation to tender for the construction works being based on this level of design. Planning consent (Planning application 15/04301/FULES) for the highways infrastructure and NCC headquarters building was approved April 2016. The Principal Contractor will be appointed to deliver the following elements: 1. Building 1 – Northumberland County Council Civic Building: - 12,815 m² office development comprised over part-basement, ground and four upper storeys. - Concrete superstructure. - Brick and Stone façade. - Open plan offices. - Dedicated reception. - Café. - Customer service centre. - Member's area. - Council Chamber. - CAT B fit-out. 2. Car Parking: - Building 1 associated car parking (up to 528 spaces). 3. Development Infrastructure: - New highway infrastructure. - Amendment, diversion and stopping up of existing highways. - Primary utility provision to development plots. Additional Works: Arch currently anticipates that the contractor will also have the opportunity to deliver the construction of the building(s) and associated car parking (on and/or off plot) located on plots 3 and 4 which may be included in the contract by contract variation in accordance with Regulation 72 (1) (a) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. All tender information to be obtained from
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45233100 - Construction work for highways, roads
45213100 - Construction work for commercial buildings
45213150 - Office block construction work
45215222 - Civic centre construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors