Portrush Recreation Grounds — Services Concession Contract-Adventure Golf.
The Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council (the Council) owns the Portrush Recreation Grounds on the Ramore Peninsula (the Site). The north end of the Site currently encompasses a pavilion, a playground and tennis courts. The south end of the Site encompasses tennis courts and 2 bowling greens. The Site is underused and has significant development potential.The Council is exploring opportunities to develop the Site (the ‘Project’). At this time, the Council does not anticipate providing funding for the development of the Site; however, this is subject to negotiation including both the scale and value of specific proposals.The current proposal is to secure the development of an adventure golf attraction and a new adventure play park at the northern end of the Site (the ‘New Facilities’) together with a new smaller pavilion.The intention is to appoint a contractor (the ‘Developer’) to design, build and then operate the New Facilities over a 25-40 year period.It is anticipated that the capital expenditure (Capex) value of the New Facilities could be up to 1 500 000 GBP excluding fees etc. The Contract will be a long-term arrangement with an overall value well in excess of this figure. It is anticipated that the funds required to develop the New Facilities will be provided by the Developer.The proposal will require the re-location of the pavilion. There is a possibility that the Council may provide a subsidy towards the construction of the new pavilion. It is anticipated that this matter will be negotiated during the Competition.There are currently no plans to re-configure the southern end of the Site. The Developer of the New Facilities however may be offered the opportunity to manage the whole of the Site.The intention is for the Site to close in September 2016 at the latest and re-open no later than Spring 2017. Pavilion works may commence earlier.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112720 - Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
45112721 - Landscaping work for golf courses
37470000 - Golf and bowling equipments
92330000 - Recreational-area services
92000000 - Recreational, cultural and sporting services
45212140 - Recreation installation
Status :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors