Post Office refurbishment and Alexandra Cinema plant room installation, Newton Abbot
As part of the wider regeneration of the Newton Abbot the Council plan an extensive refurbishment of the Market Hall. This project comprises the enabling works to be carried out ahead of the main hall works. There are two elements to be undertaken at the same time as set out below.r r Post office refurbishment - this building has been vacant for around 15 years. It is to be brought into use as a temporary market hall to allow the main hall to be vacated. The works are not extensive but include M & E upgrades, some layout alterations and are finishes all to comply with Building Regulations.r r Alexandra cinema plant room - as part of the market hall project, the existing plant room will be demolished. This plant also that also serves the cinema with LTHW for it's heating system and the incoming electric supply is routed through this plant room. These works will provide a new gas boiler and electric supply to a new plant room being formed in a side room on the side of the cinema. The Council have placed the order for new gas and electric supplies but co-ordinating the installation will be part of this project.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45210000 - Building construction work
45262000 - Special trade construction works other than roof works
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1 Possible Competitors