Potential Provision of a Managed Inventory Service for Public Health England for Respirators Held fo
The requirement is for a manufacturer of disposable respirators to provide a service that satisfies the PIPP PHE requirement around the stockholding and availability of these products to minimise the cost and wastage of these items, while ensuring the availability of these products if required. It is proposed that the contract would be composed of 3 parts:(i) retain the PIPP Just in Case (JIC) requirement in their inventory and continually rotate it to healthcare customers so the PIPP stock never goes out of date; and(ii) a Just in Time (JIT) requirement that would run in parallel with the same manufacturer and in the event a pandemic being declared, they hold enough raw material and have production resources ready to concentrate manufacturing on producing the additional pandemic requirement. This include a prioritisation of this activity over all non healthcare activity if declared;(iii) a train the trainer for fit test training for call-off as required.
Pretender :
Not Identified
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33157400 - Medical breathing devices
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors