Potentiostat with low current capabilities
The University wishes to purchase a potentiostat with low current capabilities. The GEIC equipment fund is part financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) funds having been awarded under the 2014-2020 Priority Axis 1: Promoting Research and Innovation. The equipment is being purchased for the Graphene Engineering and Innovation Centre ("GEIC") at the University of Manchester. The GEIC is a £60 million investment which will establish a state of the art research and technology development facility for graphene and related 2D materials. Projects in the GEIC will be industry-led and will focus on innovation and applications, with the aim of accelerating research through to products in the marketplace. The GEIC will house pilot production facilities and characterisation equipment. It will initially focus on a number of the University's world-class graphene application areas: energy, composites, formulations and coatings, electronics and membranes. Given the world leading graphene research at the University, it is expected that all the equipment in the GEIC will be cited in high profile academic publications as well as underpinning industrial collaboration projects, thus giving the equipment a high degree of exposure. The GEIC will be situated on the North Campus of The University of Manchester, comprise of ~8400 m2 and has been designed by world-renowned architect Rafael Viñoly. It is set to be open in summer 2018. Equipment purchased before the GEIC building is opened will be temporally commissioned elsewhere in the University campus, typically in the National Graphene Institute, and then moved into the GEIC once it is completed. For further information on the GEIC please see:
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors