PP16018 - Childrens Weight & Height Measuring Instruments
1 Background 1.1 Wolverhampton City Council is looking to purchase weight & height measuring systems to enhance provision of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). The NCMP is a national initiative that involves measuring the weight and height of Reception and Year 6 children at state-maintained schools including academies in England. 1.2 Local authorities are mandated to deliver the surveillance components of the programme which includes carrying out the measurements and returning relevant data to the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The measurement process involves children's heights and weights being measured and used to calculate a Body Mass Index (BMI) centile. This data can be used at a national level to support local public health initiatives and inform the local planning and delivery of services for children. 1.3 In Wolverhampton there are currently 73 primary phase settings (including junior and infant schools) and 17 secondary phase settings. 2 Broad Requirement 2.1 Supply, delivery and assembly of 90 weight and height measuring systems, of which 17 systems are to include wireless technology system specific printers (e.g which are to be attached to the main instrument body), and the remaining 63 systems will have the capacity to print, but the printers are not required at this juncture. 2.2 The measurement system for the 17 secondary schools is to support independent use by the individual being measured and must include an external printer to provide the facility to print out results for the user. 2.3 The measuring systems and printers (equipment) will be delivered to a specific premise by 31st March 2016. The equipment will then be re-collected and re-distributed to each of the 90 schools around the city and assembled at the school at a date to be agreed between the Supplier and Council.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38311000 - Electronic scales and accessories
42923000 - Weighing machinery and scales
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors