PR22-008 - Shaking incubator modules for the incubation and growth of animal cell cultures
NIBRT is looking to procure shaking incubators for the cultivation of animal cell cultures utilized for various processes including the production of monoclonal antibodies, recombinant proteins, antibody-drug conjugates, and AAV serotypes for gene therapy applications. The desired solution should include incubator module stacking capabilities for the potential purchase of multiple incubator modules. To ensure applicability, the desired solution should have humidity, CO2, and temperature controls as well as cooling capabilities and the ability to adjust the shaking throw. Such capabilities should be controllable for each incubator module to facilitate multiple cultures under different conditions simultaneously. The desired solution should provide the versatility to enable a wide range of cultures from small scale well plate and test tube incubations to large multi litre flask cultures required to initiate small scale bioreactors. If possible, the desired solution should also facilitate adherent cultures through optional add-ons within the incubator.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors