Practice Standards Ind. Review Officers
BackgroundAn Improving Outcomes for Children Strategic Steering Group was established in October 2015, made up of key stakeholders from across Welsh Government and public bodies, to support the development of a national approach for looked after children focussing on prevention and early intervention. Following the Assembly elections, the new Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children affirmed his support for the work of the Group and asked an Assembly Member to chair the Ministerial Advisory Group and take forward its phase 2 work programme, which this project forms part of.A key work area within the Professional Practice work stream of the Group is the development of National Practice Standards for Independent Reviewing Officers (IROs).The Standards for IROs will set out the role, function, status and remit of the IRO and responsibilities of key practitioners in the review process.The work will draw from and build upon the evidence and recommendations (4 & 5) contained in the 29 March 2016 report by Keith Towler - ‘Assessing the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) in undertaking child care cases and review and the role of Independent Visitors (IV) with Looked After Children and Young People’.The March 2016 report was commissioned by the Welsh Government as part of its phase one work programme of the Improving Outcomes for Children Strategic Steering Group. Its purpose was to assess the status of IROs and the levels of autonomy and independence they have to take decisions and their ability to adopt a position of challenge within the local authority they are working with. It drew on evidence and recommendations contained in the National Review of Independent Reviewing Officers report, undertaken by Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales and published in 2009, and the National inspection of safeguarding and care planning of looked after children and care leavers who exhibit vulnerable or risky behaviours, published in January 2015.The new standards will build on this work and help ensure IROs operate on a consistent basis across Wales, using a common practice methodology, in progressing the care plans and ensuring the right support is in place for each young person.AimThe aim of this project is to collaboratively develop and produce bilingual National Practice Standards for IROs.ObjectivesThe objectives of the project are:- to develop minimum multi-disciplinary National Practice Standards for IROs establishing the role, function, status and remit of the IRO in the review process for children and young people’s care plans and pathway plans.- the Standards should also set out the responsibilities of Corporate Lead Members, Statutory Directors and Heads of Children’s Services with regard to the scrutiny, accountability and response to challenge by the reviewing officer.RequirementsThe requirements of the contract are:- To build on the relevant findings and recommendations made in the report - ‘Assessing the role of the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) in undertaking child care cases’ - and produce National Practice Standards for IROs as set out in the Objectives.- Engage with IROs, the IRO Network Group, Heads of Children’s Services, Directors of Social Services, CAFCASS Cymru, third sector providers including young people representatives and other key individuals involved in the care and support planning process for looked after children to inform development of the National Practice Standards for IROs.- Provide feedback to the Improving Outcomes for Children Ministerial Advisory Group on findings, outcomes and guidance developed and present to national stakeholder event as required.
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