Predator fencing_Cliffe Pools
•Supply and install 5,000m anti-predator fencing and 5 gates. The following design principles are overarching: oThe overall fence height (including overhang) must be no more than 2m high but no less than 1.8m high. oThe apron must be: No less than 300mm when buried vertically in the ground. oThe netting mesh must comprise 50mm vertical spacing and 100mm horizontal spacing between wires i.e. 'otter' or 'predator' netting. oThe hinge on the netting to be placed at the top of the fence to create the overhang with crank brackets. oCrank extension brackets must be no less than 400mm at 45 degrees. oGates are vehicle gates and must have/be: Fully meshed. Fitted with an overhang that finishes flush with the adjacent fence overhang. A concrete threshold no less than 400mm x 400mm x the width between gate posts and finished flush with ground level. Gap between the bottom of the gate and the threshold must be no more than 50mm. •Whilst the specification is presented below, considering material supply issues, variation to the specification is acceptable. However, variation from the overarching design principles above is not acceptable. •All works must be completed, and invoices received by the 1st of February 2023.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45342000 - Erection of fencing
44312000 - Fencing wire
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors