Preliminary Market Consultation - Green Heat Retrofit Challenge
The Can Do Green Heat Retrofit Innovation Challenge is set up to support public sector social housing providers (Local Authorities and Registered Social Landlords) to find and test solutions that can improve their social housing retrofit programmes.The retrofit challenge programme is flexible. It can help social housing providers find and evaluate retrofit solutions for the house as a whole, or focus on particular systems or components where there is scope to improve on what current suppliers are providing. The goal of this challenge is to support the design and development of affordable retrofit design solutions to support the Scottish Government’s energy efficiency and low C heating ambitions. The aim is to find whole house and subsystem retrofit solutions that can be applied throughout the Scottish social housing stock. Estimates are that there are currently around 800,000 social houses in Scotland and around 75% of them are of 8 social housing styles, or archetypes.Architype1.Multi-storey Home2.The Tenement Home3.The three-storey flat4.The Terraced Home5.The Bungalow6.The Non-Trad Home7.The four in a block8.The semi/detached homeSome of the initial subsystem retrofit challenges are defined as:· Energy Building Fabric Challenge. (reduce energy demand)Roof systems, Wall/cladding system, Floor system, Components· Energy Systems Challenge. (decarbonise energy)Low C heat system (Heat Pump), Low C Power system, Storage (Power & Heat)· Monitoring & Service Integration Challenge. (support system control and optimisation; and integration with asset management and tenant health and wellbeing services)Energy System Management and control.Asset Management, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty, Health & Social Care Service integration.However, we are also keen to hear from suppliers who have innovative solutions out with these if the impact from their adoption will meet the carbon and cost reduction aims.This improvement may reduce the cost and/or time to retrofit, and/or improve the quality of the retrofit solution to the social housing providers and their tenants. The Retrofit Innovation Challenge will support social landlords who are looking for improved whole house retrofit solutions to particular housing archetypes in their portfolio but will also support social landlords who are interested in improving particular elements of the retrofit solution too, such as those who may have challenges related to the external insulation system and its installation, or who may want to explore improved low carbon heating systems, or storage solutions; or who may want to look at how to apply low carbon heating systems to multi occupancy dwellings, or at street level.CPV: 09300000, 09300000, 09323000, 42511110, 45320000, 45321000, 71310000, 71314000, 71314200, 71314300, 71315100, 71315200, 71315210, 73000000, 75200000, 79415200, 85322000, 90713000, 39715000, 39717200, 39721300, 39721310, 39721400, 39721411, 42131110, 42510000, 42515000, 44115200, 44620000, 45232140, 45251000, 45259300, 45315000, 45331000, 50720000, 71314310, 71321200.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71310000 - Consultative engineering and construction services
71321200 - Heating-system design services
39721310 - Air heaters
45331000 - Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
9323000 - District heating
85322000 - Community action programme
45232140 - District-heating mains construction work
9300000 - Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
45321000 - Thermal insulation work
71314300 - Energy-efficiency consultancy services
45315000 - Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment
42515000 - District heating boiler
71315200 - Building consultancy services
39717200 - Air-conditioning appliances
39721411 - Gas heaters
75200000 - Provision of services to the community
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
39721300 - Non-electric air heaters or hot air-distributors
42511110 - Heat pumps
50720000 - Repair and maintenance services of central heating
79415200 - Design consultancy services
42510000 - Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and filtering machinery
39715000 - Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
44115200 - Plumbing and heating materials
71314000 - Energy and related services
42131110 - Central-heating radiator valves
45320000 - Insulation work
44620000 - Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts
71315210 - Building services consultancy services
71314310 - Heating engineering services for buildings
45251000 - Construction works for power plants and heating plants
71315100 - Building-fabric consultancy services
45259300 - Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
71314200 - Energy-management services
39721400 - Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors