Preparatory work towards reducing the environmental impacts of fluvial and coastal flooding in England: A prioritised risk assessment and mitigation evaluation supported by evidence synthesis
Outputs from this project will be used to inform decisions and future work that aims to reduce the environmental impacts of fluvial and coastal flooding. We recognise that to deliver this we will need to both optimise delivery of our environment incident management service and work more closely with our partners and stakeholders. We need to be able to plan and prepare, respond, and recover effectively, efficiently and intelligently to the most serious flood, environmental and business continuity risks in our remit. The risk of incidents is growing. Climate change brings more extremes. Population growth is adding pressure to both our natural environment and the infrastructure which supports our daily lives. As we look to the future, we will see bigger, more frequent, and complex incidents. By supporting decisions that will reduce the impacts of pollution before during and after fluvial and coastal flood event, this project will support both the EA2025 goal of 'Healthy air land and water' and the following Incident Management Strategy goals: Goal 1 Understand the most serious flood, environmental and business continuity risks within our remit so we can plan for how to deal with them. Goal 3 Help people plan and prepare to carry on their lives, businesses, and operations through an emergency. Goal 14 Clear incident management outcomes because we have a service to defined standards, that achieves value for money, is delivered by streamlined use of systems, staff and processes seeking innovation and driving efficiency.
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