Press comments for British Embassy in Argentina
For a period of two years (renewable for another year) the supplier will send to a distribution list defined by the British Embassy in Argentina three weekly reports with a contextualized summary in English of what the press published in Argentina. Topics: they will cover the main political and economic issues in Argentina, as well as the UK-Argentina bilateral relationship, the local perspective on current issues in the UK and other specific topics that the Embassy's Press Section may indicate. Contextualized information: the report should not merely be a translation of Argentine press headlines, but should put them in context so that an unfamiliar reader understands the relative weight of the publication, its credibility and its potential impact on public opinion. By reading the report, a reader who does not live in Argentina should be able to get a clear idea of what are the main issues being discussed in the country and whether anything of significance has been published on the issues of relevance to the bilateral relationship. The report may also include links to the original sources of the news stories. Extra editions: in special circumstances (such as a visit of a senior British official to Argentina), the Embassy may request the production of an extra report on days other than those scheduled. Media: the report will cover what is published by the main national print and online media, although for issues of importance in the bilateral relationship it may also include mentions in radio, TV and provincial media. The Embassy will send a Request for Quotation to at least four potential suppliers and invite them to submit a proposal.
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CPV Codes
75210000 - Foreign affairs and other services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors