Prime Contractor of an ‘Implementation and Analysis in Action of Accountability Programme’ (IAAAP) i
DFID is seeking to contract a Supplier, to act as the ‘prime contractor’ for the delivery of a 6 year ‘Implementation and Analysis in Action of Accountability Programme’ (IAAAP) in Somalia focused on improving ‘accountability’. This procurement forms the main element of the 6 year Somalia Accountability Programme. The approach is intended to be innovative and test a range of assumptions about programming in fragile states on issues related to accountability and empowerment. It is not a traditional ‘fund’ approach but a ‘research, design, build’ approach. The ToR is therefore heavily proscribed in terms of the type of research approach we expect to see, while leaving ample room for how the ‘interventions’ will actually take place. We anticipate a broad range of types of intervention depending on the desired impact under the programme. It is therefore critical that the prime contractor be in a position to think innovatively and flexibly in this regard. Please be aware we intend to host a pre-bid event on 19.6.2014. Please register your interest for that event by 17:00 on Wednesday 11.6.2014.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors