Prime Provider for the delivery of Integrated Community Services to NHS Bath and North East Somerset CCG and Bath & North East Somerset Council
NHS Bath and North East Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (the CCG) and Bath & North East Somerset Council (the Local Authority) are commissioners of health and care services, jointly responsible for commissioning the majority of health and care services in Bath and the surrounding areas. Services are purchased from a range of sources including primary care, community providers, acute trusts, charities, social enterprises and private providers. The aforementioned commissioners believe that everyone in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) should be able to access the best possible health and care services in their community and feel supported to live happy, healthy and independent lives. That's why we launched your care, your way; an ambitious project to review, design and deliver integrated community services in partnership with local people. Following extensive design and consultation work, the commissioners are now launching a formal procurement process in order to source a strategic partner under a Prime Provider arrangement in the delivery of these critical services over the next decade. The services are complex in nature, and the commissioners are therefore seeking a suitably qualified and experienced provider (or partnership of providers) of services of a similar nature. The scope and value of the contract with the Prime Provider will be partially determined through the procurement procedure being undertaken. As a minimum, the Prime Provider will be commissioned to be responsible for the delivery of following core functions: •Connecting, Collaborating, Creating Health and Wellbeing for All Connecting services and integrating care and support to deliver person centred care and support that is co-ordinated around an individual’s needs, wishes and preferences. The Prime Provider will also support the Council and the CCG as a key stakeholder in the commissioning of the following services; •Living Well and Staying Well Prevention and self-management services that are open to all. They promote healthy and active lifestyles and help people stay well and independent, and reduce health inequalities within the local population •Regaining Health and Independence Early intervention and targeted support services aimed at keeping people well, connected to their communities, families and friends, enabling people to regain their health and independence following a period of illness. This includes preventative, targeted activity to halt the development of a condition or a reduction in independence •Enhanced and Specialist Support These enhanced and specialist services will meet a person’s needs where a specialism is required or where multiple agencies need to work together to meet a person’s long term conditions or complex health and care needs. Additional details/description is continued in Additional Text below.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85312000 - Social work services without accommodation
85323000 - Community health services
85100000 - Health services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors