Principal Support Provider (PSP) — Overseas' (incl. Commercial Project Management (CPM) and Speciali
Construction project management services. Consultative engineering and construction services. Project management consultancy services. Tasks to include but not limited to the following: Contract Administration,Project Management:Construction Project Management, Programme Management, Risk Management, Value Engineering and Management, Project Planning, Quality Management, Performance Measurement, Design Management.Professional and Technical Design Services,Architecture, Building Conservation, Building Control, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Blast Engineering, Seismic Engineering, Energy Conservation, Environmental Services, Facility Management Advice, Cost Engineering, Claims and Forensic Services Data Acquisition, Data Management, Health & Safety and Quantity Surveying, Professional Inspections,This Framework Agreement will incorporate works at any MoD establishment Overseas, including but not limited to:-— Cyprus— Gibraltar— Falkland Islands— Ascension Islands— Kenya— Singapore— Belize— Norway— Canada— Broader Middle East— Military Operational Theatres/Works AreasandForeign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Overseas Estate:The Foreign and Commonwealth Office estate is a unique and highly diverse public asset with over 4 600 properties, primarily overseas. The FCO operates in 268 overseas locations, covering 156 countries and 12 overseas territories. Approximately 13,000 staff work for the FCO, other UK Government Departments, and Partners Across Government, in premises on the overseas estate (known as the One HMG platform). A majority of these staff are accommodated in diplomatic offices, residences and staff accommodation, but maybe be located in other associated premises.AndProjects associated with the Department for International Development (DFID). DFID have offices in 28 countries but cover additional country development needs out of those offices or from our London or Scottish HQ offices.Any of the DFID operating locations may require construction, infrastructure or capital works programmes to support their programmes.DFID Operating Countries— East and Central Africao Ethiopiao Kenya (covering Somalia)o Rwandao S Sudano Sudano Tanzaniao Uganda— West and Southern Africao DRCo Ghanao Malawio Mozambiqueo Nigeriao Sierra Leone and Liberiao Southern Africao Zambiao Zimbabwe— Western Asiao Afghanistano Pakistano Tajikstan (covering Kyrygyz Republic)— Asia/Otherso Bangladesho Burmao Chinao Indiao Nepalo Indonesiao Caribbean (covered by UK office)— Overseas Territories (primarily covered from UK offices)o Pitcairno Monserrato St Helenao Tristan da Cunhao (and others)— Middle East and North Africao Occupied Palestinian Territorieso Yemen— Other Countries covered from UK officeso Egypto Jordano Libyao Moroccoo Tunisiao SyriaThe scope of these services will comprise of early assessment and development work, design and project management. The PSP service requirements include the Deep Specialist areas (e.g. Maritime, Airfields, Protected Buildings, and Weapons Effects on Buildings etc.).Project Type:Generally the scope of the capital work programme is likely to include design and construction of Offices, Warehouses, Jetties, Airfields, Civil Infrastructure works, Accommodation and occasional work on Nuclear Infrastructure.With particular regard to FCO this will include: new work and refurbishments to Embassies, Consulates, Diplomatic Offices, Official Residencies and Staff Accommodation, worldwide,often of an historic and listed nature.With particular regard to DFID this include: buildings (schools, hospitals), road construction, bridge construction, geo-thermal construction (bore holes, wells), sanitation works construction/refurbishment. These may be in very remote locations with poor logistical arrangements.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71310000 - Consultative engineering and construction services
71541000 - Construction project management services
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors