Print and Fulfilment Services.
Isos is seeking to appoint a supplier of printed materials who can provide Isos with a range of branded and non-branded printed items and is capable of:— holding and managing stock— offering supply chain support— offering design support— direct delivery to Isos tenants— adding valueAs such bidders will be required to demonstrate the highest standards in manufacture and adherence to an appropriate quality management system.Isos is committed to sustainable procurement of printed materials and is seeking a partner who is similarly committed. Bidders should be prepared to evidence their commitment to the environment by way of external accreditation such as holding Forestry Stewardship Council status or equivalent.Isos currently operates as several directorates with multiple budget holders capable of ordering print within each. Isos is seeking a partner who can effectively manage this process and act as an extension of the Marketing & Communications team in becoming a brand guardian for Isos in addition to centrally managing print runs and held stocks. Isos is seeking to maximise value through transactions made during the proposed term.Isos is keen to explore an online ordering portal, or a similar system which allows multiple purchasers throughout the organisation to order standard printed items whilst an overarching management of the contract is maintained by the Marketing & Communications team.The ability to print and fulfil directly to Isos tenants throughout North East England is a key requirement of the contract, therefore bidders should be able to demonstrate their experience and ability to offer a range of fulfilment services along with an appropriate robustly accredited Data Protection approach.Isos spends in excess of 150k GBP including VAT per year on printing and fulfilment services and associated services. It is anticipated that any contract awarded following this tender process will remain in place for a minimum of 3 years, with an option to extend by a further two subject to performance and final contract. As such Isos are seeking to appoint a partner who will work with Isos to improve all aspects of our approach to printing and fulfilment. Bidders are encouraged to take note of Isos' ambitious growth plans which may result in the value of this contract increasing during the anticipated term.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79800000 - Printing and related services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors