Prior Information Notice - Closed-cycle Cryostat
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) requirement is for a new system for metrology of single-photon emitters. This system should have a closed cycle, or 'cryogen free', operation to allow sample temperatures of between 4K and 300K to be reached and stably maintained. The system needs to permit high numerical aperture objective lenses (N.A > 0.7) to focus on the sample. It should allow for operation at wavelengths ranging from the visible (500 nm) to the telecom C-band (1550 nm). Exchanging optics for regions within this range should be straightforward for the user to do. There should be < 20 nm (peak to peak) of vibration between the sample and any external optics. Positioners are to be included to translate the sample around the focus of the objective lens, within a volume of 5 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm. These should have a minimum step size of < 20 nm. It should be possible to upgrade and customise the system at a later date should extra capabilities be needed. All temperature and sample translation control should be achieved through a common software environment, with possible LabVIEW automation.
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