Prior Information Notice (PIN) for the Provision of Diabetic Eye Screening Program for Essex and East Anglia region
Duration of the contract: 5 years (+ 2 years possible extension subject to annual reviews) Description of the procurement opportunity: Arden and Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (AG CSU), acting on behalf of the NHS England Midlands and East (The commissioners) invites expressions of interest (EOI) from suitably qualified and experienced healthcare service providers including third sector organisations, social enterprise and other providers to provide Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) to Essex and East Anglia registered patients. NHS England Midlands and East (East) will be the contracting and commissioning authority for DESP. For ease of governance, the commissioners have split the geographic area served by them into 2 regions listed below and are looking to appoint a DESP service provider for each of these regions. 1.Essex 2.East Anglia (covering Suffolk, parts of East Cambridgeshire, parts of South and East Norfolk, Peterborough and majority of Cambridgeshire) The service provision will cater all ages suffering with diabetes and fulfil their need for regular eye screening. The current contracts for the DESP services will end on 31 March 2016 and as a result the successful provider is expected to be fully operational, providing services from 01 April 2016. Based on the current contract it is anticipated that the value of the contract will be as below#: 1.Essex - circa £1.88 million per annum 2.East Anglia - circa £2.10 million per annum For this service provision AG CSU would like to encourage innovative solutions including consortia, strategic alliances and sub-contracts which will deliver value for money and improved services to patients. The service provider will be required to deliver an outcome based service to include: Provision of clinical and holistic assessment for diabetic eye screening, Provision of professional advice to patients for maintaining healthy eyes, Robust business management systems and processes for improved patient experience, Financial management – efficient use and maximisation of available resources. Maintain financial control within the available budget, Patient centred service – consistently delivering high levels of patient satisfaction. The commissioners encourage innovation and use of technology within service delivery. They are seeking patient centred solutions for the provision of this service with the following aims: The right access – the method of service delivery needs to be mobile and flexible to meet the varying patient needs, The right clinical assessment - specialist assessment for children and elderly patients or that with a disability, The right timing - the timely inspection and screening of eyes for prevention of any complications. #There is no guarantee that contract value and activity levels will remain at these levels in the future. The actual contract value and activity levels may defer during the period of service provision.
Published Date :
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Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors