Prior information notice -RFI -Workforce Management Solution
C338643 RFI - The NHSBSA are looking for a solution with similar functionality to our current system, mentioned above, and at least the same level as the current service and ideally to provide enhanced capabilities. RFI - The NHSBSA are looking for a solution with similar functionality to our current system, mentioned above, and at least the same level as the current service and ideally to provide enhanced capabilities .• Managed solution that links front and back-office functions • Manage colleagues time, schedules, shifts and workloads • Produce MI reporting on performance tracking and management • Enable colleagues to use self-serve function for attendance management, annual leave, schedule management and reporting • Flexibility to be a scalable solution with ability to further develop and integrate with other systems • Planned continuous system upgrades throughout contract length • Compliance with government accessibility standards • Compliance with data protection standards • Alignment with NHSBSA sustainability standards and policies • Supplier to carry out, and work with NHSBSA, all work associated with standing up the service and testing • Will consider AI within solution for automation and intervention as long as it doesn't replace human contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors