PRJ-919 Framework Agreement for the Provision of Special Allocation Scheme (SAS) Service on Behalf of NHSE&I (East of England)
NHS England and NHS Improvement — East of England wishes to establish a multi-supplier framework agreement (referred to as ‘the Framework’) for the provision of primary care medical services for a special allocation scheme service. The Framework will be for a period of 4 years commencing 1 April 2021. The Framework will be structured into lots. The special allocation scheme (SAS) recognises that some patients demonstrate behaviour that is too threatening and violent to be safely managed in a mainstream GP practice environment. As such, NHS England and NHS Improvement have established strict criteria for the management of such patients in a secure environment. Suitable organisations offered a place on the Framework will be required to provide GP led primary medical care services to patients registered on the special allocation scheme (SAS). The Framework provider(s) shall deliver primary medical services (Essential and Additional) to patients who have been removed from general practice due to exhibiting violent or aggressive behaviour and are registered with the SAS. The Framework provider(s) shall provide support for rehabilitation of registered patients in order to address the underlying causes of violent or aggressive behaviour and encourage and support facilitation of their return to general practice.
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CPV Codes
85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors