PRJ-1168 - Hospital Discharge Scheme for Single Homeless Adults Program
Vulnerable adults are at greater risk of homelessness, exploitation and exclusion due to life factors such as illness, substance addiction, poverty and illiteracy; tenancy sustainment is therefore challenging and unpredictable. This service will provide a 6 bed accommodation for vulnerable adults who are medically fit to be discharged from hospital, but are unable to do so because of a housing or social needs. The service will provide a safe and comfortable temporary accommodation whilst the guests are supported to access suitable housing and welfare services in the community and will support people into stable accommodation thereby reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness or unstable accommodation. The service will also support guests to manage their health by accessing appropriate primary care and personal care services and will ensure that they are compliant with Home Office law where appropriate. The service should be located in North East London (specifically in the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest) with close proximity to the hospitals in all three boroughs. Anyone wishing to express an interest has to meet this criterion. Please note that the PIN is being advertised as a call for competition.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors