PRJ-1049 NCL CCG Engagement and Development activities to support people in the next steps of ICS Development.
You are invited to tender for a programme of engagement, design and development activities being commissioned by North Central London (NCL) CCG on behalf of the CCG, five Councils and partners (North London Partners). This is an important year as NCL continues its journey to becoming a statutory ICS. The NCL ICS will become a statutory body from April 2022 which means the CCG will dissolve and people and assets will transfer to the new ICS body. We are seeking support focussing on two key areas. These are: Lot A- Developing the role of Place-Based Partnerships within the ICS - this lot is being cosponsored by the CCG and local councils and will facilitate critical work to design and develop our place-based partnerships Lot B- Engaging CCG staff to prepare for the next steps in ICS development - this lot is being sponsored by the CCG and will help our staff shape and prepare for the ICS and place-based partnerships Integrated care arrangements have been developing for some time in NCL. It is timely to now take stock of progress, plan and progress the next phase of our development - ensuring we move forward positively, with shared purpose and plans that optimise our new statutory footing. NCL CCG on behalf of North London Partners is requesting market feedback to inform the upcoming procurement for Engagement and development activities to support people in the next steps of ICS development. In order to assist the Authority with testing its assumptions and proposed service requirements, your responses to the market engagement questions listed will explore the following areas: • the draft service specification We ask that interested organisations submit responses to the questionnaire using the template provided. Respondents are requested to address the questions specifically rather than attaching extensive technical or promotional information or materials, as such information will not be considered. Bidders need to complete the Market Engagement Questionnaire and return this via the ProContract messaging facility by 12:00 noon on 08/08/2021. Please note that the Invitation To Tender will be published only to those who expressed an interest by the Expression of Interest deadline. Bidders need to submit an Expression of Interest and a duly completed Market engagement questionnaire. This needs to be submitted via the messaging facility on Pro-contract. A template of the market engagement questionnaire will be available to download when you register an expression of interest in the project on Pro-contract ( We anticipate issuing the Invitation to Tender on 16th August 2021. Please note that the publication will be via the procontract e-tendering portal. Please be advised that all communications related to this procurement must be carried out via the messaging facility on procontract e-tendering portal (
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors