PRJ-768-Islington CCG-Dementia Café and Singing for Brain (SfB)
Islington Clinical Commissioning Group is seeking a lead provider to deliver: 1. The Dementia Café service, which is to be delivered on a fortnightly basis on Saturday between 1-4pm throughout the year, offering a range of activities and social events for Islington residents with dementia, aged 18 years or above, and their carers/families. 2. The Singing for the Brain service is delivered through 3 blocks of (up to) 12 week sessions each lasting 2 hours, totalling up to 36 sessions over a 12 month period. Each service should meet the following requirements: - Delivering the Dementia Café and Singing for the Brain services as facilitated social events, in an informal environment, structured in a consistent way in line with NICE Guidelines [NG97, 1.13.1] service framework for best practice. - Providing advice and peer support to people with dementia, their families and carers. - Directing service users to more generic and universal advice, support services and opportunities. - Delivering an annual programme of events to provide information about dementia, and direct people to health services where appropriate. - Establishing and maintaining close links and working relationships with a wide range of community, healthcare and social care services in order to facilitate referrals and signposting. - Support people with dementia and their carers or families to feel less socially isolated and more connected to their community and support available to them. - These services are not respite services. The contract is to commence on 1st July 2019 and run for 33 months. There is a 12 month contract extension option. If you are interested in submitting a response to this tender please complete the online questionnaire as described in the RFQ document available via Pro Contract (
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors