Procure Partnerships (Professional Services) Framework
The procure partnerships (Professional Services) framework agreement will be available to all public sector contracting authorities as defined at Part 1 (Paragraph 2) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. All public sectors requiring access to the framework agreement are detailed in the OJEU notice.Examples of such organisations (not exhaustive): schools, academies, colleges, universities, emergency services, NHS, local authorities, housing associations, libraries and museums, charities, government departments, leisure providers and the MoD.— North East, England UKC— Yorkshire and Humber UKE— North West UKD— East Midlands, England UKF— West Midlands, England UKG— East of England UKH— London, England UKI— South East, England UKJ— South West, England UKK— North Wales UKL— South Wales UKL.The agreement will be established for 4 years. Contracting authorities who can access the procure partnerships (Professional Services) framework can be found here —
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
71317210 - Health and safety consultancy services
71334000 - Mechanical and electrical engineering services
71700000 - Monitoring and control services
71333000 - Mechanical engineering services
71223000 - Architectural services for building extensions
71900000 - Laboratory services
71221000 - Architectural services for buildings
71500000 - Construction-related services
71600000 - Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
71420000 - Landscape architectural services
71323100 - Electrical power systems design services
71200000 - Architectural and related services
71230000 - Organisation of architectural design contests
71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy
71250000 - Architectural, engineering and surveying services
71312000 - Structural engineering consultancy services
71317100 - Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services
71321000 - Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
71240000 - Architectural, engineering and planning services
90712000 - Environmental planning
71314100 - Electrical services
90713000 - Environmental issues consultancy services
71315300 - Building surveying services
71311000 - Civil engineering consultancy services
71324000 - Quantity surveying services
71317200 - Health and safety services
71220000 - Architectural design services
71313000 - Environmental engineering consultancy services
90714000 - Environmental auditing
71400000 - Urban planning and landscape architectural services
71541000 - Construction project management services
71222000 - Architectural services for outdoor areas
71313400 - Environmental impact assessment for construction
71322100 - Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
71000000 - Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71353200 - Dimensional surveying services
71210000 - Advisory architectural services
71300000 - Engineering services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors