Procurement and Supervision of Installation Works for Mersey Tunnels Sidney Street Ventilation Build
1.1. Project Overall Objectives.The objectives of the Works are to procure new Damper Louvre Assemblies for fans at Sidney Street Ventilation Building to:1.1.1. Ensure reliable provision of service with minimum maintenance for at least 30 years.1.1.2. The units must be easy and safe to operate and maintain.1.1.3. The design and construction must give sufficient consideration to on-site installation within Sidney Street ventilation station.1.1.4. And to comply with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation and all other applicable current British/international standards and regulations.1.2. Damper Louvre Assemblies Functional Specification and Scope.The procurement contract must satisfy the following requirements:1.2.1. To carry out damper design, manufacture, supply and deliver units to site at Sidney Street Ventilation Station.1.2.2. To supply damper assemblies to fit over the following fan ducts (detail dimensions and data must be confirmed by supplier):i. Two blowing fans SB1D and SB2D, each weighs 13.2 metric tons, impeller diameter 3.05m, damper size 4.0m by 3.25m, and blowing 282 000 m3/h fresh air at full capacity.ii. Two blowing fans SB1U and SB2U, each weighs 22 metric tons, impeller diameter 3.8m, damper size 4.8m by 4.3m, and blowing 424 800 m3/h fresh air at full capacity.iii. Two extracting fans SE1 and SE2, each weighs 24.38 metric tons, impeller diameter 3.96m, damper size 4.3m by 6.0m, and extracting 980 400 m3/h spent air at full capacity.1.2.3. Damper allowable air leakage
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50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
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