Procurement for the provision of an Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service in HMYOI Cookham Wood for NHS England and Improvement South East
NHS England and Improvement South East seeks to commission an Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service for children and young people at HMYOI Cookham Wood., The Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service will develop and deliver provision that is child-focused, integrated and innovative, offering excellent care for children and young people whilst they are in the secure setting alongside preparing them for their transitions back in to the community or in to adult secure settings. , Alongside Youth Custody Services, the provider will jointly enable the transformation of HMYOI Cookham Wood to a trauma informed environment. , The Service will support the children and young people, not simply with the goal of not reoffending, but, crucially, to enable them to achieve long-term wellbeing, seeking to engage with the adverse childhood experiences of children and young people in the Secure Estate., The Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service will deliver an appropriate mixed service model that combines an appropriate level of clinical delivery to support delivery alongside non- clinical delivery that supports the promotion of positive emotional and mental wellbeing in a way that engages the children and young people at HMYOI Cookham Wood. NHSEI welcomes bids by providers that work in partnership with third sector agencies that can successfully engage the children and young people in service design and participate in service activities. , The key objectives of the procurement are:, •Young people should receive at least an equivalent service to that available to the general population with respect to access to services based on need, •Healthcare services in the Youth Criminal Justice System should seek to both improve health and wellbeing and contribute to reducing re-offending, •Young people should expect to experience a measurable improvement in their health and well-being, particularly in respect to access to primary healthcare, health promotion, health and emotional wellbeing, substance misuse and mental health services. Young people should expect continuity of care between custodial settings and between custody and community, •Young people with identified social care needs should expect integrated health and social care which allows as much independence as possible within the constraints of custody., •To deliver a value for money Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service into HMYOI Cookham Wood, The integrated healthcare services provision will include:, •General Medical Services, •Mental Health Services, •Physical Health Services (including Primary Care Nursing), •Emotional Wellbeing Services, •Substance misuse services - Psychosocial (with pathway to clinical interventions), •Public Health (including provision of screenings, vaccinations and immunisations), •Health promotion and prevention, •Primary Dental services, •Physiotherapy services, •Medication management services, •Optometry services, •Sexual Health services, •Podiatry services, •Smoking cessation services, •Management of long-term conditions, •Management of escorts, bed watches and constant supervision, The services provided will be a practical implementation of the policy and guidance identified in this service specification. The specification for Dental Services delivery is separate from the Integrated Health and Emotional Wellbeing Service specification but forms part of the overall responsibilities of the prime provider., The provider will be supported in developing an appropriate working relationship with the supplier of the Kent Pharmacy Service for secure settings. , The Dental Service is to be made available to patients at HMYOI Cookham Wood, via a dental provider delivering under a PDS contract issued by NHS England. If the prime provider is unable to hold a PDS contract directly, a further tripartite agreement will be required between NHS England, the prime provider and the prime provider's Dental Services provider., The Contract will be for a term of 7 years, with services scheduled to commence on 1st April 2022., The maximum financial envelope is £2,400,000 per annum. The total maximum contract value for the 7 year contract is £16,800,000., This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors