Procurement Hub Furniture and Furnishings Framework
The supply of furniture and furnishings to Procurement Hub Members on a national basis. The furniture required can be broadly defined into a few categories. The first being furniture suitable for long term tenancies such as sheltered accommodation and older person schemes, the second being short term tenancies such as supported accommodation, the third being student accommodation. As the framework is sole supply the appointed supplier must be able to provide furniture to suit all accommodation types. As the framework is also available to the wider public sector the provider must also be able residential furniture suitable for use outside of the housing sector such as Govt departments, local authority, care and the NHS. , The most commonly purchased items of furniture are for communal living areas and bedrooms including armchairs, mattresses, sofas, beds, drawers, dining tables, dining chairs, wardrobes, tub chairs and tables In addition accessories and soft furnishings typically purchased are kitchen accessories, bedding, curtains and blinds, shower curtains, wall art, towels, lamps and small electricals. In addition to the supply of goods, the successful provider will be required to provide associated services including a product advice and design service., The duration of the framework is intended to last for a period of 4 years. Call-offs may be made in the final year of the Framework Agreement which may extend the durations beyond this period. It is intended that this Framework Agreement will be capable of being used by other Contracting Authorities in UK. This procurement is being undertaken by the contracting authority for itself and as lead authority for the benefit of other organisations set out below as referred to in I.1 (without any obligation for them to participate) of the OJEU notice (and any successor body of any of the organisations listed) and for the benefit of any Contracting Authority that may fall within the geographical remit of this agreement.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
Status :
Assign to :
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Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors