Procurement of a Water Resource Management Plan Consultancy
The island of St Helena is an internally self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom located in the South Atlantic approximately 4,000 miles from the UK. The Government comprises a Governor (who is appointed by the Crown) an Executive Council, which has the general control and direction of Government, and a Legislative Council. The Governor retains responsibility for internal security, external affairs, defence, the public service, finance and shipping. The island's population is around 4,440 (2021 Census) and it has a typical small island economy with a high import dependency, a narrow economic base, a large public sector and significant outward labour migration. St Helena receives UK Government financial assistance to support recurrent and capital expenditure as part of their obligation to ensure that the reasonable needs of the population are met. The island is currently served by a weekly flight from Johannesburg, and a 4-weekly supply ship from Cape Town, South Africa. The St Helena Government (SHG) is seeking to engage a suitably qualified organisation to develop a Water Resource Management Plan for the period 2024-2050 The Services shall consist of developing a Water Resource Management Plan for the period 2024-2050, which will involve producing the following outputs: •The Inception Report •Draft WRMP Report (To be used for on Island stakeholder consultations) •Final WRMP Report (for publication and budget planning and implementation) •Cost effectiveness analysis report to include the detailed project and lifecycle costs for the preferred and recommended options •Outline EIA report (for all considered and identified options) •Water tariff affordability report (to include impact on the current tariff and projected increase). Therefore the Government of St Helena would now like to invite firms, who have an appropriate track-record to submit a tender to develop a Water Resource Management Plan. Interested firms or consortiums should register on the St Helena Government eProcurement Portal by pasting the link into a browser. After registration, navigate to the appropriate opportunity and download a number of additional documents. All communication, clarifications, general questions and submissions of your response must be made via the eProcurement Portal Help guides to assist registration can be found on the Supplier Information tab
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors