Procurement of an integrated outbound security solution (ATRS, EDS C3 Cabin Baggage CT & CIP)
Manchester Airport Group (MAG) is intending to purchase an end-to-end security screening solution for passenger and staff cabin baggage (the Solution) in order to comply with the Department for Transports Future Security Regulations (the Regulations) which are due to come into force by June 2024. The Solution must consist of the following fully integrated equipment:, -Automated Tray Return System (ATRS), -EDS C3 CB CT X-Ray Scanner (CT), -Central Image Processing Capability (CIP), MAG will be leading this procurement process but the Solution will be delivered to its subsidiaries, Manchester Airport, Stanstead Airport and East Midlands Airport (and potentially any other airports subsequently acquired by MAG) over the contract period. MAG is intending to replace the majority of its existing ATRS, X-ray and CIP solutions across Manchester Airport, Stansted Airport and East Midlands Airport. Currently, there are 76 systems planned for replacement with up to 114 systems over the term of the Contract (whether during the initial 5 year period or the extended period of up to 3 years)., Each subsidiary shall call-off the implementation of the Solution during the course of the contract. The intended term of the contract will be for an initial period of 5 years with an option to extend by up to a further 3 years. , MAG is considering various options for maintenance, including outsources and insourced maintenance models. It is currently expected that initially for up to the first 12 months from the installation of the Solution at each airport, the preferred supplier shall provide all planned and unplanned maintenance of the Solution and training to MAG engineers and IT teams to allow them to take over subsequent maintenance requirements. The final maintenance model option will be confirmed at the Invitation to Tender stage., Bidders should note that the final stage of the tender process will include a Proof of Concept (PoC) which will be conducted by the highest scoring bidder (Preferred Bidder) only prior to contract award. For the avoidance of doubt the PoC will be carried out by the Preferred Bidder's at its sole cost. The PoC Trial will require the Preferred Bidder to install two full systems in parallel (ATRS, CT & CIP) at Stansted Airport for a PoC Trial period. MAG's current predictions in terms of the length, timing and period of the PoC Trial is set out on an indicative basis under the Selection Questionnaire however those dates may be subject to change. The PoC Trial will be used to validate that the Preferred Bidders Solution meets MAG's technical requirements and matches the bidders tendered performance characteristics. The PoC Trial evaluation methodology will be set out within the Invitation to Tender. , Bidder's should note that should the Preferred Bidder's Solution fail the PoC Trial process then MAG reserves the right to take forward the next highest scoring bidder to the PoC Trial stage. As a result MAG will require all bidders to confirm, as part of their final ITT responses, that those responses will remain valid for a minimum period of 6 months following submission. Further details will be provided within the Invitation to Tender., The ability and willingness of bidders to have two systems available for the purposes of the PoC Trial will be a pass/fail criteria at selection stage.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48328000 - Image-processing software package
38546000 - Explosives detection system
50610000 - Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
42417200 - Conveyors
34960000 - Airport equipment
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors