Procurement of the Development and Delivery of Level 3 & 4 qualifications (Regulated Qualifications Framework - RQF) for entry level access to the 'Violence Prevention and Reduction Integrated Educational Pathway' with a "Designated Development/Delivery Partner - DDDP"
PROJECT OBJECTIVES, The objectives of the level 3 & 4 RQF 'Violence Prevention and Reduction Educational Pathway' entry level qualifications are:, •To provide the development and delivery of entry level qualifications at RQF level 3 & 4, beginning in the first quarter of 2022, introducing, and progressing learners to the Higher Education 'Violence Prevention and Reduction Educational Pathway.' , •To support the ongoing evidenced based professional development of designated VPR responders/practitioners and other professional roles specialising in violence prevention and reduction within the NHS and social care., •Through professional educational development, to enable and encourage VPRs and other professional roles specialising in violence prevention and reduction within the NHS and social care, to introduce and evaluate evidence-based interventions in their area of practice., •To prevent and reduce the incidence and impact of violence and aggression on front line staff and the consequential impact on delivery of NHS and care services., •A workforce who feels; heard, valued, and supported, their health and well -being front and center of policy and practice., The full scope and outline of this entry level 'Violence Prevention and Reduction Integrated Educational Pathway' qualification will be developed and agreed with the selected Supplier/Partner following the competitive procurement process carried out on behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement., The provisional educational aims of the entry level project, to be further developed and agreed with NHS England and NHS Improvement, through the Project Managers are as follows:, •The VPR qualification aims to provide prospective students with the theoretical knowledge regarding the recognition, prevention and safe management of aggression and violence that is in keeping with current legislation, policy, research, and best practice guidance., •The VPR qualification is accessible to existing NHS staff whose role directly concerns violence reduction (VPRs), ensuring they are provided with the knowledge skills and competencies to facilitate evidence-based interventions, assessment of their impacts and their efficacy., •The subject content within the pathways and programme is equally applicable to other professionals involved in violence prevention and reduction roles or practicing in 'at risk' areas, as the knowledge and skills provided are aimed at enhancing safe and therapeutic practice within health services and care settings., •To provide prospective students with the opportunity to pursue a continuing programme of professional education and professional development, which will enhance their ability to function as efficient and effective specialists in violence reduction., •To enable prospective students to further develop their knowledge base, professional expertise, and critical skills, which will facilitate their ability to challenge current practice and assist their contribution to the development of the theory and practice in violence prevention and reduction., •To enable prospective students to explore competence through the critical examination of their own practice and to develop their own professional practice and leadership ability., •To enable prospective students to be aware of different perspectives to examine their own effectiveness in an evolving area of professional practice., •To enable prospective students to develop the ability to interpret and evaluate relevant information, ideas, research, and other types of evidence used to inform practice., •, PROJECT OUTCOMES, The proposed core outcomes are as follows (need to achieve [N] / incidental to achieving [I])., •Identification of, and contracting with, a Designated Development/Delivery Partner to collaborate with NHSE/I in designing, constructing, and developing level 3 & 4 RQF qualifications meeting entry level access requirements for the integrated violence prevention and reduction HE educational pathways and programs [N]., •These qualifications focused at RQF Levels 3 & 4 [N] will offer access routes into HE at Level 5/6/7 (Dip, BSc, MSc) with the opportunity for development to Level 8 (M Phil / PhD/Professional Doctorate) [I]., •Qualifications at Level 3 & 4 must directly meet the knowledge skills and competency requirements of designated VPR's in NHS settings, i.e., 'the essential market' whilst maintaining alignment to HE content themes. [N]., •Qualifications at Level 3 & 4 will indirectly meet the knowledge skills and competency requirements of other designations within the NHS and care settings concerned with working with violence and aggression in other settings i.e., 'the wider market' whilst maintaining alignment to HE content themes. [N]., •The DDDP must be prepared to invest financially in design, development, construction, endorsement/accreditation, delivery, evaluation, ongoing maintenance and updating of the qualifications [N]., •NHSE/I will invest financially in development and purchasing an agreed number of ongoing sponsored student places on the pathways [N]., •NHS Integrated Care Systems / Partnerships and the Private Health Care Sector may invest financially in purchasing a number of ongoing sponsored student places on the pathways [I]., •The DDDP must be willing to work directly with NHSE/I experts and their designated experts in the design, construction, development and delivery of the pathways and programmes [N]., •The entry level qualifications are developed to become a 'Violence Prevention and Reduction Sector - Educational Standard' with level 3 & 4 qualification a pre-requisite, directly essential to those wishing to engage with HE in VPR, and other sector specific posts within the NHS and Private Sector, e.g., Violence Prevention and Reduction Educators and Trainers, Clinical Violence prevention and Reduction Leads, etc., [I]., •On establishing an endorsed/accredited qualification at RQF Level 3 & 4 the DDDP and NHSE/I will engage in its related joint promotion and marketing though its networks to encompass the NHS and wider stakeholder groups [N]., •The DDDP and NHSE/I will commit to and ensure that equality impact assessment is intrinsic to their collaboration at each stage of project's development.
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80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors