Production Management Services - Lambeth Country Show 2020
London Borough of Lambeth is seeking a Turnkey solution for Production Management Services for the Lambeth Country Show 2020. The cope of works to be completed by the Contractor responsible for this provision shall include site design, CAD drafting, authoring of documentation, construction/contractor management, infrastructure and technical specification, stage management, maintenance/standby and removal. The Contractor is to provide all production management and crew services required to deliver an on time, safe and successful Lambeth Country Show. The Lambeth Country Show has been taking place since 1974, growing out of the Horticultural Show organised by Lambeth Horticultural Society on the same site and the Horse Show on Clapham Common. The event is considered to be the jewel in the crown of the event season and attracts over 150,000 people across the weekend. It has over 250 concessions on-site made up of food, crafts, third sector organisations, community groups and council services. There are ten separate categories / applications of stallholder / concessions which people can apply for online, as well as there being a performer category for arts and entertainment. The site layout is dictated by the number of applications and size required by the individual applicants. This process is key to the success of the Lambeth Country Show and requires a close working relationship between the Production Management Service supplier and London Borough of Lambeth Concession Management Team. The Lambeth Country Show is passionately safeguarded by the local community and closely scrutinised by local Councillors. Full details of requirements can be found within the RFQ specification document. The deadline to respond to this RFQ is Monday 9 December at 4pm.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92622000 - Sports-event organisation services
79952000 - Event services
79415000 - Production management consultancy services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors