PROJ10224 Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Building in Somalia (HARBS)
This is a prior information notice (PIN) only: Publication and a call for competition will be conducted once the scope of work is fully defined and approved., The UK’s next generation humanitarian programme2022-2028 Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Building in Somalia (HARBS), currently under design, will build on all the evidence gained to date and continue to pioneer and push boundaries. The expected impact of HARBS Programme is that severe humanitarian outcomes, including severe food insecurity, forced displacement, excess mortality and severe acute malnutrition, are reduced through the following objectives:, •Deliver effective and timely emergency humanitarian assistance and protection services, •Reduce vulnerability of displaced communities through durable solutions programming, •Support vulnerable communities to cope with shocks and stresses, •Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the humanitarian response system., Sector specific results (WASH, food security, nutrition, protection, etc.) will be determined based on the priorities identified during the design phase of the resilience and durable solutions components. HARBS will retain focus on the key programming parameters and thematic areas developed through MYHP and SHARP., The programme will also explore new and innovative ways of working. This includes a stronger focus on promoting locally led action, increasing accountability to affected populations, strengthening the integration of early warning and risk financing mechanisms, supporting the development of social safety nets., Please register on the FCDO Supplier Portal for this opportunity (PROJ10224) to receive all communication and updates -, There will be an Early Market Engagement event held on 16/02/2022. For all information regarding times and venues please ensure to access these details within the additional information provided for PROJ10224 on the FCDO Supplier Portal., Note, there are 2 elements to registration which must not be confused with each other., 1. Suppliers must register their interest to PROJ10224 on the FCDO Supplier Portal to ensure they receive all communications and updates (this is not registration to attend the event), 2. Within the profile of PROJ10224 on the portal, there are attachments containing additional documents which contain the link to register for the EME event.
Pretender :
Not Identified
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors