PROJ10024 Strengthening Research Systems in Africa
Research is a powerful tool to support development in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) and the global goals for sustainable development. The full benefits of research to social and economic development are only possible where there are functioning research systems, supported by infrastructure, regulatory frameworks and policies that incentivise and enable high quality research generation and use. Currently the majority of research output worldwide, including development research, is generated by high income countries. Strengthening the ability of LMICs to do research that aligns with national priorities supports long-term, sustainable and resilient development. The Department for International Development (DFID) intends to strengthen the research systems in partner countries so that both local and donor research investment achieves economic and social impact. To achieve this, DFID is funding Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa (SRIA), which aims to invest in projects to i) support the building blocks of research in research institutions and ii) supports research systems to create an enabling environment for research. In the first instance, this fund is expected to be ~£12m and cover 3-4 years of implementation in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana and Nigeria.
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75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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1 Possible Competitors