
PROJ10079, What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale. Programme Design and Implementation


FCDO sought a supplier to deliver an 84-month contract of up to 45 500 000 GBP from October 2021 until September 2028 for the What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale. Programme Design and Implementation Contract. The timeframe may be extended by up to an additional 42 months beyond the original 84 month term until March 2032 subject to satisfactory performance of the supplier, continuing need, availability of funding, and the agreement of the supplier and FCDO, utilising a negotiated procedure., There is provision to scale up by up to an additional 27 750 000 GBP in cases where the programme has demonstrated a strong impact and has the potential to yield additional results or where there is an expansion of the scope of work. This is comprised of 22 750 000 extension costs and up to a further 5 000 000 GBP dependent on FCDO country office uptake of the separate budget allocated for them. The Mid-Term Review point will be used as an opportunity to consider extending the length and value of the contract to extend the geographic focus or increase the scale of the programme. The estimated value includes all applicable taxes and tenderers included all applicable taxes in their tenders., Please note that the estimated value of 73 250 000 GBP represents a maximum, and FCDO expected competitive tenders based on the full Terms of Reference (Volume 3 of the ITT Pack)., The main recipients of the services will be developing country governments and women and girls experiencing and/or at risk of gender-based violence in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Indirect recipients are expected to include national and international organisations (multilateral and bilateral agencies, civil society organisations and other stakeholders) designing, implementing and investing in policy and programming on VAWG and Violence Against Children (VAC)., Delivery may require visits to both fragile and non-fragile regions with the supplier(s) responsible for the Duty of Care of all personnel and any third part supply partners., The expected outcomes of the What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale. Programme Design and Implementation Contract are detailed in the ITT Pack., Quantifiable targets will be finalised in the inception phase with the approval of FCDO., The expected outcomes will be delivered through the provision of:, • Fund management services, • Technical advice and capacity development to grantees, • Technical advice and capacity development to c. five FCDO country offices/partner governments;, • Demand-driven, bespoke expert advice and capacity support on VAWG and VAC across FCDO and HMG through management of a VAWG/VAC Helpdesk service;, • Targeted research uptake, policy influencing, advocacy, communications and media activities, A contract for Research and Evaluation of the innovation and scale-up interventions will be procured separately., The two contracts will be coordinated by FCDO to ensure complementarity of the programme’s intervention and research components. The Supplier must fully understand the Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Research and Evaluation contract and be able to work effectively with the organisations delivering the Research and Evaluation component., An independent evaluation will also be separately commissioned by FCDO to assess the programme’s performance and provide regular, rapid feedback on management and impact to improve learning and performance during the programme’s lifetime., A hybrid payment by results model will be used for effective implementation of the support to the What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale. Programme Design and Implementation Contract and will link achievement of agreed KPI’s and milestones/delivery of targets to an agreed payment schedule., An FCDO standard service contract will be awarded., Scale up/down is provided for in ToR and contract clauses to allow flexibility to respond to emerging needs.


Published Date :

13th Dec 2021 3 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :

1st Oct 2021

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors