PROJ10079: What Works to Prevent Violence: Impact at Scale
1.The What Works to Prevent Violence - Impact at Scale Programme will build on the success of its predecessor ('What Works I' ) to prevent and contribute to eliminating violence against women and girls (VAWG) and violence against children (VAC) through: •Systematically designing, implementing and rigorously evaluating a range of approaches to scaling up violence prevention efforts, translating proof-of-concept evidence into robust, large-scale programmes; •Designing, piloting and testing new theory-driven violence prevention approaches (innovation); •Strengthening long-term capability and capacity to deliver cutting-edge violence prevention programmes across the programme's grantees and the UK Government (notably DFID and FCO); and •Using evidence to influence a more effective global response to end VAWG. 2.DFID requires the services of a Supplier to lead and manage the programme, including design and oversight of a cutting-edge portfolio of scale and innovation projects to prevent violence, using deep technical knowledge on VAWG and gender equality. 3.A contract for research and evaluation of the innovation and scale-up interventions will be procured separately. The two procurements will be coordinated by DFID to ensure complementarity of the programme's intervention and research components. Suppliers are strongly encouraged to read the Terms of Reference for the research and evaluation contract. 4.An independent evaluation will also be separately commissioned by DFID to assess the programme's performance and provide regular, rapid feedback on management and impact to improve learning and performance during the programme's lifetime.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors