Project and Programme Management Services
The Open University uses well established internal project and programme management teams to manage initiatives in its change portfolio and uses good practice methodologies and governance structures (e.g. APM/PRINC2/MSP and Agile). Due to the scale and complexity of these initiatives, the University often requires access to expertise at various points to supplement internal capability. The University recognises that some initiatives require significant behavioural change and thus need more emergent strategies alongside robust governance. The variety of initiatives in the Open University's change portfolio means that each may have different support needs at various points. Those needs cannot always be met internally or through individual contractors. A framework with a group of consultancy partners able to provide expertise across the breadth of our requirements will bolster the Open University's inhouse capabilities and enable the University to respond fully to those varying needs. The Open University intends to contract up to 5 providers to service projects on a call-off basis. Service Scope of the Framework: Project and programme initiation and setup; Project and programme delivery; Project and programme rescue and recovery; Visioning and future state design; Governance; Business case development; Requirements gathering and management; Options Appraisal; Planning including identification and management of critical path; PMO set up and operation; Project and programme controls including risk, issues and dependencies identification and management, quality and change control; Progress monitoring, reporting and evaluation; Communications and stakeholder management; Benefits management; Agile delivery; Resource and budget management; Health checks; Transition planning and management; Change management including change readiness assessments, change impact mapping and analysis and supporting organisation to adapt and adopt to business transformation; Behavioural change; Organisation, service, and process design; Culture change; Change leadership. In-Tend portal address to download tender documentation: https://in-
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CPV Codes
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors