Project Evaluation Specification
Chwarae Teg wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to carry out a detailed evaluation of the impact of the Agile Nation project. In a major project such as Agile Nation, it is recognised that, in addition to a range of ongoing internal monitoring and evaluation procedures, a formal evaluation undertaken by an independent, external evaluator is an essential requirement. A mid-term and final evaluation is to be carried out during the lifetime of the project to assess the quality, effectiveness and consistency of delivery and project management. The evaluation will focus on assessing the impact of ESF supported interventions on the individuals who have received support and will address the following issues:•Relevance: is the project delivering in line with the aims of the Strategic Framework?•Effectiveness: are the project’s objectives being achieved? Is the project delivering to target its key outputs, results and financial indicators? •Quality: are the needs of the target groups being met or could more be done? How efficient are the project processes and management systems?•Impact: what have the participants done as a result of the intervention, what are the direct / indirect effects?•Sustainability: will the effects of the project be sustained? Provide evidence to support recommendations for the continuation and sustainability of the project/or similar•Synergy: has the project complemented and enhanced the effects of other related initiatives, regional and national policies and interventions? •Value for Money: has the project delivered the maximum benefit with the funding allocated? •Added Value: has the project achieved any added value activities or opportunities?•Lessons Learned: reasons behind the project’s successes and challenges? What works well and/or what can be improved? Identify good practice to share with others.Given the way the project is structured and the nature of the outputs, it is expected that the early focus of the contractor will principally be on evaluation with a view to establishing the progress of the project to date, capturing project outcomes, making recommendations for further development and highlighting good practice, sustainability and identifying possible legacy opportunities. The final year of the project will provide more scope to evaluate the overall impact of the project. The contractor will be expected to provide robust and valid evidence as part of these evaluation activities.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72221000 - Business analysis consultancy services
72224000 - Project management consultancy services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors