Project to provide data and analysis on the equality impact of increasing the pension age for officers of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) in line with State pension age.
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy ("BEIS") wishes to commission a project to provide the data and analysis on the equality impact of increasing the pension age for officers of the Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) in line with State pension age. The data and analysis should be submitted to BEIS in a report format. The CNC are due to join 'Alpha,' the standard Civil Service Pension Scheme, in April 2019. This will see the pension age of CNC officers rise to be in line with State pension age (the pension age will increase from age 60 to 65, 67 and eventually 68). More details on the Alpha pension scheme can be found on the website. The data and analysis should focus on the impact that an increasing pension age, by reference to the various age ranges (65, 67 and 68) and dates, will have on people in possession of one or more of the characteristics which are protected under the Equality Act 2010. A list of the protected characteristics is attached at Annex A. The data and analysis collated will be used by BEIS to produce an Equality Analysis, in accordance with the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. A copy of Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 is attached at Annex B. The CNC have produced their own reports, the Human Rights Equality Impact Analysis (HREIA), setting out the CNC's assessment of the impact of the higher pension age. Access will be provided to these reports upon the award of the contract. However, the focus of this project is to provide independent data and analysis on the full extent of the equality impact of the higher pension age.
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1 Possible Competitors