Project TYRO — General Support Bridge.
Mobile bridges. Short description of the nature and scope of works or nature and quantity or value of supplies and services1. Mobile bridges1.1 The Departments Operational Infrastructure (OI) team has identified a possible future requirement for the Heavy Forces General Support Bridging (GSB) capability to support UK forces out to 2040. The GSB system is used within the indirect fire zone. The new capability shall have a minimum Military Load Classification (MLC) of 100 Tracked.2. Contract Type2.1 A single contract to cover Demonstration, Manufacture and In Service Support for the GSB bridging system.2.2. The competition will run simultaneously with Close Support Bridge (CSB) and in the event of a single Potential Provider being identified for both systems, a single contract may be awarded for both systems.3. Potential options to satisfy the capability requirements include but not limited to;3.1. An existing Commercial Off The Shelf system; or3.2. A Modified Off The Shelf system; or3.3. A system under development that shall be available for delivery for use on training, exercises and operations no later than the end 2021.4. The Authority Requires4.1. The system shall be suitably demonstrated against the contract requirements.4.2. That you would take Design Authority (DA) responsibility for the system you deliver should the system be taken forward to the manufacture phase.4.3. A system comprising approximately 13 — 21 sets which are capable of spanning a gap of at least 30m and is scalable to span a gap of at least 60m with the use of additional equipment whilst maintaining the minimum MLC. The system also includes a wheeled launch/recovery vehicle and wheeled support vehicles (vehicles/trailers) to transport bridging components.4.4 A support solution from delivery of first bridging set with potential options through the equipment life out to 2040.4.5 As part of this requirement, the Authority may consider inclusion of ‘Whole Force Approach’ in the equipment support solution.
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CPV Codes
34144300 - Mobile bridges
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors