Promote AHDB Consumer marketing campaigns & key consumer messages at consumer point of purchase.
To promote AHDB Consumer marketing campaigns & key consumer messages at consumer point of purchase. Key campaigns throughout the year include Lets Eat Balanced, Love Lamb week, Love Pork campaigns, Great British Beef Week & positive health messaging activity with Bord Bia, also positive messaging trials and applications for rethinking the red meat aisle/packaging/online. Historically and for 2025-2026 areas that AHDB will be purchasing: include: > Recipe static and tear off leaflets, aisle fins and flags & other in fixture promotion> Digital promotion mechanics (banners, featured product space, digital ads)> retailer magazine advertorials> On pack stickers. There is no opportunity to seek competitive quotes as retailers manage this process with their chosen suppliers or in house teams.
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CPV Codes
79342000 - Marketing services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors